
The only map played was bam4, 8 v 8, using QW2.3 and TF2.8 on Kevster's server. Playing for Loki were Victim, Fenrir, Goo, Grimm, Karl (otherwise known as Sheep), Shilka, Mirage and Zel. Hetzer spectated the game, while Strafe started off spectating then swapped with Grimm during the game.

The game started off quite well for us with a fairly early cap. Our attackers kept up the pressure and were rewarded for their efforts with regular captures. We took it to a 50-0 lead and were feeling pretty comfortable. Our defence had so far been very solid, however JFK managed to sneak through our defence at this point, hitting back for a capture of their own. We managed to get one more cap in before the game finished and had their flag again at the end, but didn't have time to capture it.

Being a practice game, it was generally played in good spirits, except for some mutual spamming accusations made at various times during and after the game. :) Thanks to JFK for the game and to Kevster for the server, which generally provided nice lag-free play. Congratulations to [Loki] Shilka for his first clan game on his shiny new cable modem! May many more Lokis invest in one of these toys. :)

Map score: Loki 60, JFK 10.

Game score: Loki won 1-0.